The silences weren’t awkward. For me at least. Because I was there in the moment with him. - Dominic Riccitello
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change - Stephen Hawking
Old Woman Nora of Loch LomondTo her three wee Grandaughters one cold night. - Karen Hawkins
No two stories are the same. They may seem the same at first glance, but, once you take a closer look, give the story some of your time, you realise its unique qualities. - S. A. Tawks
Don't tawch meh matherfawker! - Tommy Wiseau
Never write it in C if you can do it in `awk'; Never do it in `awk' if `sed' can handle it; Never use `sed' when `tr' can do the job; Never invoke `tr' when `cat' is sufficient; Avoid using `cat' whenever possible
Religion is about turning untested belief into unshakeable truth through the power of institutions and the passage of time. - Richard Dawkins
It is the responsibility of scientists never to suppress knowledge, no matter how awkward that knowledge is, no matter how it may bother those in power; we are not smart enough to decide which pieces of knowledge are permissible, and which are not. … - Carl Sagan
After all, it isn't the facts of one's environment, but one's attitude toward them, that determines whether one will be defeated or victorious. - David Hawkins
I simply would not accede to being forced into this, and would frequently be kept out of classes because of irreverent comments and mocking this religious stuff. Frankly, it stayed with me to this day. In fact, don't get me going. I'm almost as bad as Richard Dawkins on this issue. - Richard E. Leakey
It is our time, our task and our destiny - from "Opoponax Dreams - Genieve Dawkins
لو كان للأطباء إدراك دارويني للأمور عندما اخترع البنسلين، كانوا ليتوقعوا مقاومة البكتيريا للمضادات الحيوية والتي تتطور بسرعة كبيرة. - Richard Dawkins
If a god had made the world, might world always be right, that would be so wise, we'd be spared so much suffering. But we made the world - out of our smallness and weakness. Our lives are awkward and fragile... - Edward Bond
I'm not a wannabe. I'm who I wannabe. - Hawk Nelson
Everything is connected... no one thing can change by itself. - Paul Hawken
I believe in the possible. I believe, small though we are, insignificant though we may be, we can reach a full understanding of the universe. You were right when you said you felt small, looking up at all that up there. We are very, very small, but we are profoundly capable of very, very big things. - Stephen Hawking
Mankind made up a version of reality we could all live in. - Christopher Hawke
One, remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Two, never give up work. Work gives you meaning and purpose and life is empty without it. Three, if you are lucky enough to find love, remember it is there and don't throw it away. - Stephen Hawking
In this world of ours, the sparrow must live like a hawk if he is to fly at all. - Hayao Miyazaki
When I am dying, I should like my life taken out under general anaesthetic, exactly as if it were a diseased appendix. - Richard Dawkins
What I have done is to show that it is possible for the way the universe began to be determined by the laws of science. In that case, it would not be necessary to appeal to God to decide how the universe began. This doesn't prove that there is no God, only that God is not necessary. - Stephen Hawking
I must send you into exile, that you may be the coal of her heart. No real thing can be so perfect as memory, and she will need a perfect thing if she is to survive. She will warm herself on the memory of you when there is nothing else, and be sustained. - Scott Hawkins, The Library at Mount Char
We are all atheists about most of the gods that societies have ever believed in. Some of us just go one god further. - Richard Dawkins
Science is the poetry of reality. - Richard Dawkins
Contrary to popular belief, there are peaks higher than Mount Everest. These are the hurdles that lie within each of us. Thank you Stephen Hawking for showing us that they are not insurmountable - karan godara
The downside of my celebrity is that I cannot go anywhere in the world without being recognized. It is not enough for me to wear dark sunglasses and a wig. The wheelchair gives me away. - Stephen Hawking
A consciência de que temos apenas uma vida deveria torná-la ainda mais preciosa. A visão ateísta reafirma e melhora a vida, e ao mesmo tempo nunca é afetada pela auto-ilusão, pelo excesso de otimismo ou pela autopiedade chorosa daqueles que acham que a vida lhes deve alguma coisa. - Richard Dawkins
Beauty in the world is not always in the "beautiful. - Christopher Hawke
Science replaces private prejudice with public, verifiable evidence. - Richard Dawkins
She wore her sexuality with an older woman's ease, and not like an awkward purse, never knowing how to hold it, where to hang it, or when to just put it down. - Zadie Smith
Before you were conceived, I wanted you. Before you were born, I loved you. Before you were an hour, I would die for you. This is the miracle of love. - Maureen Hawkins
We need to forgive the adolescent versions of ourselves, if only because we need the practice to forgive those who are maturing awkwardly in our lives. - Madam Secretary
I don't think we can afford to emulate the beauty editors of fashion magazines, airbrushing out blemishes and hawking a political ideal in which progressive people have no acne, no stupid remarks. - Anna Bondoc
Literature is my Utopia. Here I am not disenfranchised. No barrier of the senses shuts me out from the sweet, gracious discourses of my book friends. They talk to me without embarrassment or awkwardness. - Helen Keller
A writer who doesn’t read is like a director who doesn’t watch movies. - Kira Hawke
The Bible may be an arresting andpoetic work of fiction, but it is not the sort of book you should giveyour children to form their morals. - Richard Dawkins
I am passionate about the truth. Passion is very different from fundamentalism. - Richard Dawkins
All of us must cross the line between ignorance and insight many times before we truly understand. - David Hawkins
We shouldn't be surprised that conditions in the universe are suitable for life, but this is not evidence that the universe was designed to allow for life. - Stephen Hawking
Your ignorance, cramps my conversation. - Sir Anthony Hawkins
My publisher told me that the number of readers of this book will be inversely proportional to the number of equations it contains. - Stephen Hawking
Men lose more conquests by their own awkwardness than by any virtue in the woman. - Ninon de l'Enclos
But the shadow is merely somewhat inferior, primitive, unadapted, and awkward; not wholly bad. It even contains childish or primitive qualities which would in a way vitalize and embellish human existence, but convention forbids! - C.G. Jung
Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the One who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference. - Max Lucado
Those guys who want to have the Mohawk...which, to me, is the new business casual. - Gerard Way
I regard the afterlife to be a fairy story for people that are afraid of the dark - Stephen Hawking
That's my fault, of course, because I behaved stupidly, like a child, because I didn't like feeling rejected. I need to learn to lose a little better. - Paula Hawkins
why are we here?where do we come from?traditionally,these are questionsfor philosophy,but philosophy is dead - Stephen Hawking
My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all. - Stephen Hawking
HATCHET, n. A young axe, known among Indians as a Thomashawk. "O bury the hatchet, irascible Red, For peace is a blessing," the White Man said. The Savage concurred, and that weapon interred, With imposing rites, in the White Man's head. John Lukkus - Ambrose Bierce
There should be no boundaries to human endeavor. (...) However bad life may seem (...) While there’s life, there is hope. - Stephen Hawking
Religion is a distraction from true education. - Richard Dawkins
I believe consciousness is simply what it feels like to have a neocortex. - Jeff Hawkins
So long as the universe had a beginning, we could suppose it had a creator. But if the universe is really completely self-contained, having no boundary or edge, it would have neither beginning nor end: it would simply be. What place, then, for a creator? - Stephen Hawking
There was something built into the human brain by natural selection which was once useful, and which now manifests itself as religion. - Richard Dawkins
Black hawk down.Black eagle up. - Cass van Krah
Perfect… is a moment. Not a life. You don’t get to perfect with long conversations and a shitty job and a high school sweet heart. Perfect comes, and it goes. Perfect is a moment. It comes, you make the most of it, and then you let it go. - J.D. Hawkins
There's a basic principle about consumer electronics: it gets more powerful all the time and it gets cheaper all the time. That's true of all types of consumer electronics. - Trip Hawkins
...when two opposite points of view are expressed with equal intensity, the truth does not necessarily lie exactly halfway between them. It is possible for one side to be simply wrong. - Richard Dawkins
There are more cells in your brain than there are brains in your entire body. - Richard Dawkins
[In the Universe it may be that] Primitive life is very common and intelligent life is fairly rare. Some would say it has yet to occur on Earth. - Stephen Hawking
Writers: read books. Read good books. Read bad books. Learn what does and does not work. - Kira Hawke
She was beautiful, but her youth, the very awkwardness of her age, prevented her from flaunting it. - Richard J. O'Brien
Too often, people are trying to fill the God-size hole in their heart with a person instead of God. A person is too small and too imperfect andwill never be able to do it. Once God fills it, then there's plenty of room for the right person. - Laurel Hawkes
It's awkward how some people refuse to be humans regarding their behaviours! Isn't that against God's will for he created them as humans? And yet, they at night hold hands up and ask God for forgiveness and to grant them their wishes; when he created animals sinless. - Mustafa SULTAN
Nature was quick to pass the sponge of her deluges over these awkward sketches (dinosaurs), these first nightmares of Life. - Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
It matters if you just don't give up. - Stephen Hawking
I think that it's important for scientists to explain their work, particularly in cosmology. This now answers many questions once asked of religion. - Stephen Hawking
The theory of evolution by cumulative natural selection is the only theory we know of that is in principle capable of explaining the existence of organized complexity. - Richard Dawkins
The world and humanity were created by God and are therefore divinely inspired and intrinsically holy. - David R. Hawkins
The funny thing is if in England, you ask a man in the street who the greatest living is, he will say Richard Dawkins. And indeed, Dawkins has done a marvelous job of popularizing Darwinism. But Dawkins' basic theory of the gene being the object of evolution is totally non-. Ernst W. Mayr - Darwinian
Great treasures bring out great greed in the hearts of men and great greed has been the downfall of many nations. - from "Opoponax Dreams - Genieve Dawkins
I would actually write books totally full of nothing BUT kissing scenes, but apparently people like books to have, like, "plots" or whatever. - Rachel Hawkins
The chicken is only an egg’s way for making another egg. - Richard Dawkins
It is a waste of time to be angry about my disability. One has to get on with life and I haven't done badly. People won't have time for you if you are always angry or complaining. - Stephen Hawking
If human life were long enough to find the ultimate theory, everything would have been solved by previous generations. Nothing would be left to be discovered. - Stephen Hawking
It is not clear that intelligence has any long-term survival value. - Stephen Hawking
Yes, life is full of awkward moments! For example, that time you keep dazing off while staring at the same person you found yourself staring at five minutes ago. *gulp* So glad staring is still not illegal. Or, at least I'm glad for my own benefit. - Mary Kate
... the silenceHolds with its gloved handThe wild hawk of the mind. - R.S. Thomas
Arianne had her feet up on the table, wearing a striped conductor's cap.Arriane was fixated on the game. A chocolate cigar bobbed between her lips as she contemplated her next move. Roland was giving Arianne the hawk eye."Checkmate, bitch," Arianne said triumphantly, knocking over Roland's king. - Lauren Kate
We have our own language. Christianese... We don't say 'He's out of his mind,' no, we say 'That's our youth pastor. - Tim Hawkins
Sometimes you don't need to change what you're looking at only get a better view. - Christopher Hawke
He’s an indulgent sort of man……With a quick lip and a fierce tongue, the sort of tongue that draws you in with charm and words of praise, awkward silences and desperate worships. - Coco J. Ginger
There is something fascinatingly awkward about an author photo. I'm drawn to those glossy shots in the back of books, mostly because the subjects never look happy to be there. - Pamela Ribon
I love humanity, surprisingly, as I observe 21st century with hawk eyed vision, I realize the more I love humanity the less I love Human as an individual. - Ankita Singhal
Awkward silences rule the world. People are so terrified of awkward silences that they will literally go to war rather than face an awkward silence. - Stefan Molyneux
Good management is the art of making problems so interesting and their solutions so constructive that everyone wants to get to work and deal with them. - Paul Hawken
Mankind's greatest achievements have come about by talking and its greatest failures by not talking. It doesn’t have to be like this. - Stephen Hawking
They are in you and me; they created us, body and mind; and their preservation is the ultimate rationale for our existence. They have come a long way, those replicators. Now they go by the name of genes, and we are their survival machines. - Richard Dawkins
Liberals tend to view traditions, policies, and morals of past generations as arbitrary designs put in place by less enlightened people. Because of this, liberals don't pay much attention to why traditions developed or wonder about possible ramifications of their social engineering. - John Hawkins
So rest a while, we can talk in the cool of the evening. Or the cool of the morning. There 's seldom as much hurry as I used to think there was." -HawkWho had been ArchmageThe Other Wind - Ursula K. Le Guin
That awkward moment when you realize someone was actually home the whole time you were singing on the tops of your lungs. - Kasey Collin P. Dumdum
Many of us saw religion as harmless nonsense. Beliefs might lack all supporting evidence but, we thought, if people needed a crutch for consolation, where's the harm? September 11th changed all that. - Richard Dawkins
I was starting to hate my sixteenth birthday. A poufy white dress and a cake with roses made out of pink icing and awkward dancing with boys in awkward suits was starting to sound like a great alternative. Seriously. Sign my up, I wouldn't even complain. - Alyxandria Harvey
...that when you wanted to see something very badly,sometimes you had to stay still,stay in the same place, remember how much you wanted to see it,and be patient.If you want to see hawks you have to be patient too. - Helen Macdonald
What place, then, for a creator? - Stephen Hawking
Elizabeth called it my mane of hair; I called it my bane of hair. However, it was far worse looking when it was short, sticking straight up or out at awkward angles; at least when it was long it almost obeyed gravity. - Penny Reid
We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special. - Stephen Hawking
For millions of years, mankind lived just like the animals. Then something happened which unleashed the power of our imaginations, we learned to talk. - Stephen Hawking
Science is interesting, and if you don't agree you can fuck off.Note: Dawkins was quoting a former editor of New Scientist Magazine, who is as yet unidentified (possibly Jeremy Webb) - Richard Dawkins
First, come to the point where you realize you are alone, completely and utterly alone in the vastness of the universe and all of time.Then realize you are not alone. Look back on your life and see the people who stood by you. There were some. Realize the God of your understanding cares. - Christopher Hawke
There is a fundamental difference between religion, which is based on authority, and science, which is based on observation and reason. Science will win because it works. - Stephen Hawking
I think computer viruses should count as life ... I think it says something about human nature that the only form of life we have created so far is purely destructive. We've created life in our own image. - Stephen Hawking
The average author hawks their books at many events. They are vigilant promoters, waiting for a breakthrough. They do this, or else watch their novel wither away. - Michael J. Kannengieser
We Don't Want Him, We Want You- Cooper HawkesThis isn't a dating service. If we stop following orders there will be no order. - James Morrison as T.C. McQueen in Space Above and Beyond
Too often, people are trying to fill the God-size hole in their heart with a person instead of God. A person is too small and too imperfect and will never be able to do it. Once God fills it, then there's plenty of room for the right person. - Laurel Hawkes
The best feeling in the world might be when you finish a book and you get to pick out another. - Kira Hawke
Equations are just the boring part of mathematics. I attempt to see things in terms of geometry. - Stephen Hawking
Every time I think I'm about to seize the moment, it drifts back into the shadows, just beyond my reach. - Paula Hawkins
said that his quest is simply "trying to understand the mind of God". - Stephen Hawking
From bigots who hawk their goddoor-to-door, preserve us. - A.J. Beirens
If it isn't one blessing, it's another! - Chari Twitty-Hawkins
We could call order by the name of God, but it would be an impersonal God. There's not much personal about the laws of physics. - Stephen Hawking
It has become almost a cliché to remark that nobody boasts of ignorance of literature, but it is socially acceptable to boast ignorance of science and proudly claim incompetence in mathematics. - Richard Dawkins
The idea of a divine creator belittles the elegant reality of the universe. - Richard Dawkins
When faced with a problem, some people say 'Let's use AWK.' Now they have two problems.
I don't give a damn for anybody's opinion, I only care about the facts. So I'm not an enthusiast for diversity of opinion where factual matters are concerned. - Richard Dawkins
She had the most beautiful awkwardness - Brandon Stanton
Keeping an active mind has been vital to my survival, as has been maintaining a sense of humor. - Stephen Hawking
We didn't have to talk, and it wasn't awkward. We were just two lonely, out of place people sharing a holiday with junk food from the vending machine and a Claymation classic on the television." oh and later "I guess its a good thing we found each other then. - J.M. Richards Tall Dark Streak of Lightning
The cracks in old friendships are measured in awkward pauses. - Darin Strauss
Don't step backward toward nothing, step forward toward something, better awkward steps forward, than coward steps backward. - Victoria Addino
Life would be tragic if it weren't funny. - Stephen Hawking
Force is incomplete and therefore has to be fed energy constantly. Power is total and complete in itself and requires nothing from outside. - David Hawkins
Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don't just give up. - Stephen Hawking
Not only does God play dice with the Universe - he sometimes casts them where they can't be seen. - Stephen Hawking
Nature is not cruel, pitiless, indifferent. This is one of the hardest lessons for humans to learn. We cannot admit that things might be neither good nor evil, neither cruel nor kind, but simply callous -- indifferent to all suffering, lacking all purpose. - Richard Dawkins
Let us understand Darwinism so we can walk in the opposite direction when it comes to setting up society. - Richard Dawkins
We only have to look at ourselves to see how intelligent life might develop into something we wouldn’t want to meet, - Stephen Hawking
I man is a prisoner of only his own mind. - Michael Hawkins
I just realized that I don't have to have an opinion about everything--what a relief! - David R. Hawkins
My expectations were reduced to zero when I was 21. Everything since then has been a bonus."[The Science of Second-Guessing (New York Times Magazine Interview, December 12, 2004)] - Stephen Hawking
Life is terribly awkward and uncomfortable, so we spend our time searching for those who make it all a little less unpleasant. - Elizabeth Brooks
Religion is about turning untested belief into unshakable truth through the power of institutions and the passage of time. - Richard Dawkins
It is absolutely safe to say that if you meet somebody who claims not to believe in evolution, that person is ignorant, stupid or insane (or wicked, but I'd rather not consider that). - Richard Dawkins
I like you but you mightn't feel the same way about me, and I wouldn't blame you. To save us both from any awkward moments I've figured out an easy way to do this. Nod if you're even slightly interested in getting to know me. Write a ten page explanation if you're not. - Bill Condon
We change the world not by what we say or do, but as a consequence of what we have become. - David R. Hawkins
We are not like you. We do not glory in having power over our own kind." Haghuf turned to walk away. Then as an afterthought added over his shoulder, "Or imagining that we do. - Jaq D. Hawkins
Faith is the great cop-out, the great excuse to evade the need to think and evaluate evidence. Faith is the belief in spite of, even perhaps because of, the lack of evidence. - Richard Dawkins
I have noticed that even those who assert that everything is predestined and that we can change nothing about it still look both ways before they cross the street - Stephen Hawking
Stephen Hawking says we will not survive another 1,000 years without escaping beyond our planet. This existence problem can be solved by increasing the number of people with free-minds! Because just like the free birds only the free minds can reach the new horizons! - Mehmet Murat ildan
If this is going to be my last day on earth, I do not want it to be socially awkward. - Dean Winchester Supernatural
Either blasphemy is a victimless crime or its victim is powerful enough to take care of himself without any help from you. - Richard Dawkins